Roald Dahl's Marvellous Medicine sold out within a week of its launch!
Professor Tom Solomon's Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Medicine sold out within a week of its launch.
An unprecedented for Liverpool University Press, Director Anthony Cond said of the book "It’s such a fabulous and unique book that we expected it to do well, and produced a thousand copies. But to have to do a second print run so soon was completely unexpected.”
A few copies are still available via Amazon, who have stockpiled, and the next run should be available from October 30th.
Meanwhile, book events are also proving popular; tickets for the Cheltenham Literary Festival (Thursday 13th October) are selling fast, and the Roald Dahl's Marvellous Medicine Children's show at The Liverpool Literary festival event has already sold out… For information in upcoming events and ticket booking please click here.